This represents a typical Ugandan highway. People walking on either side. bikes, kids, and vehicles driving on either side of the road.
Today as I write, I am travelling across Northern B.C. The bush on the sides of the roads reminds me of my trip to Northern Uganda a few years ago with Dr Opio. The trees were different, the highway, much rougher, the temperature – much hotter. Perhaps the biggest difference today in BC is the lack of walkers as compared to Northern Uganda. Everywhere we went in Northern Uganda, from morning until night there seemed to be people walking on the side of the highway. Women wearing their colorful African clothing, children carrying school bags, people riding old trusty bikes and it seemed as if the world was moving like ants two by two, drawn to a destination unknown to me. Looking closer you would notice that often people were carrying yellow water jars. Sometimes the water jars were on their heads, many times 2 or 3 were loaded on a bike, I could only imagine how tough it must be for these people and especially for the children to carry these 50lb water jars, sometimes 2, 3, or even 5 km to their houses. We could easily refer to this as the water jars in Northern Uganda. I can hardly imagine how much we would complain if we had to get water from our next door neighbor’s house.
Perhaps you can help out and help us put a well in villages so people don’t have to walk down busy highways loaded with heavy burdens.