Chairperson – Dr. Chris Opio

Manager, Uganda – Geoffrey Odongo

Treasurer – Dave Nielsen

Vice Chairperson – Ted Renquist

Director at Large - Andrea Byrne
Working in Water Management has always been a passion of Andrea’s. Having worked as an Environmental Professional in Northern British Columbia, her days are often dictated by water related issues such as assessing watercourses and stream habitats, testing water quality, and ensuring water resources are properly managed and mitigated from damage caused by construction. Andrea is a Registered Professional Biologist and is currently working for the City of Prince George, where she manages the Water Conservation, Erosion and Sediment Control and Air Quality programs.
Andrea became impassioned to pursue projects that provide safe drinking water to those that need it most, after working in several remote First Nation communities that lack proper drinking water infrastructure and were on constant boil water advisories. This interest continued to grow through her travels to Mozambique, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina and Honduras where water quality and scarcity are common issues. Andrea is currently working on a Masters of Planning through the University of Waterloo, which have included courses in International Water Management. She hopes the skills she’s gained through her professional and educational experience will assist her in Projects with NUDF and will be traveling to Uganda with NUDF this summer.

Director at Large - Dr. Karima Fredj

4 Comments on “NUDF Executive team”
Pingback: Environmental expert brings water renewal to Uganda | The Province
Thank you Chris for your great work because you left not only to change yourself with all what you through “I inclusive” but you want us current generation not to continue living the same life. I pray that you continue lobbying for a project that support single mothers sincerely men of nowadays don’t want to take up responsibilities guess why I type the name Opio Chris. God bless you.
Great work from great people of God. Please never look back as you serve humanity.
Congratulations Dr Chris and the team for the job well done so far. keep it up.
Thank you, very much appreciated.